What is the Get Licensed App
for security workers

The app is the next generation mobile app from Get Licensed, the UK’s most trusted security workforce management provider. The app is the partner on your security career journey, from the first security course to your last security job, helping you obtain the accreditation, tools and contacts needed to get working and thrive within the Security industry.

Get Working
Get Working Get Working

Create and share your profile

Your worker profile

Your worker profile is a summary of your skills, strengths, work and education history, and most importantly your licence details - demonstrating that you are a qualified and fully vetted candidate when applying for jobs. Instant alerts prompt you to apply when a job matches your profile.

Share your profile

Share your worker profile so that employers can easily access your completed profile as they look through applicants for their role, giving you an advantage over the competition for the most sought after jobs.

Get Working
Get Working

Find jobs, fast

Instantly apply for jobs

Apply for a job to connect with employers looking to fill roles, right now. Simply scroll through our live job board and click the Apply Now button on the job that interests you. With each application, your whole profile is instantly submitted to employers so that they have all the information to hand when choosing the right candidate.

Track your application status

Once a job application has been submitted, the app lets you track the status so that you know how it’s progressing, keeping you updated every step of the way to your perfect job.

Get Working
Get Working

Book a security course, get access to learning materials, mock exams and more…

Get Working
Get Working
Get Licensed App
Test your knowledge, get access to free learning materials and find work - all in the same app.
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Here to help

We are open 6am to 8pm on weekdays and 9am to 6pm on weekends. If you need help outside these hours, visit our help page to find answers to the most commonly asked questions.

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Certifications and Validations

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Payment options

Cards accepted

Interest-free instalments